How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help Treat ADHD in Adults

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help Treat ADHD in Adults

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a short-term form of psychotherapy that attempts to change negative patterns of thinking and behavior.

An unhealthy internal dialog could prevent an individual from working towards a goal and developing productive new habits. CBT helps to change distorted thoughts and changing behavioral patterns, and other emotional problems.

How Can CBT Improve ADHD?

CBT sessions focus on identifying situations in which poor planning, disorganization, and poor time and task management create difficulties in a patient’s life.

The goals of CBT sessions center on creating productive solutions to the patients daily challenges. The therapist uses takeaway reminders, follow-up check-ins, and other ways of making coping skills memorable so that they are applied in your life.

What Is a CBT Session Like?

CBT makes it easy to address other important issues that affect ADHD symptoms like mood and anxiety disorders and overall lifestyle habits like self-esteem.

For some individuals, using ADHD medications alone results in both symptom improvements and better management of adult responsibilities. The combination of medication and CBT is a common method for dealing with the wide-ranging effects of ADHD.

What’s The Takeaway

There’s no evidence that CBT can replace drug therapy for ADHD, or even permit lower dosages, but research does suggest that it works better for ADHD than do other forms of therapy.

Results can come as quickly as only 12 to 15 sessions.  However, most patients continue with CBT much longer to ensure a long-term maintenance of their improvements.

Dr. Gordon is an experienced ADHD expert. He is devoted to helping you learn more about ADHD and find solutions for each individual’s needs. Please feel free to contact us for any concerns or questions regarding ADHD about yourself, or a loved one.

The Pathways team of professionals has helped thousands of people with ADHD. We are Dedicated to effective and compassionate care for individuals with neurological challenges.

Pathways Neuropsychology

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