ADHD Tips - ADHD coaching

ADHD Treatments

adhd treatmentEducation: Educate yourself as much as you can about ADHD and its management. Read books, talk to professionals, and research on the internet.

Medication: Stimulant medication (methylfenadate, amphetamines) and non- stimulant medications (atomoxetine) have been shown to be effective. Seek a qualified physician to evaluate use of medication.

Parent-training: Parent-training is an affective treatment for ADHD. Parent- training helps decrease parent/child conflict, child defiance, and disruptive behaviors. Parent-training also helps reduce parent stress and household stress in general. Parent-training strategies include contingency management, effective use of commands, transition planning, positive attending, behavior management plans, and various monitoring programs.

Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy is helpful for adolescents and adults by helping them gain a better understanding of the nature of ADHD, its management, and how it has influenced who they are today. It is also useful to help with medication compliance.

School-based accommodations and interventions and Social-skills training


adhd development risks✓Academic under-performance 90% of the time
✓Retention in a grade from 25% to 50% of the time
✓Requiring Special Education in 35% to 60% of the time
✓Failure to graduate high school in 30% to 40% of the time
✓Less likely to attend college 20% of the time
✓Less likely to graduate college 5% of the time
✓Peer-relation problems 50% of the time
✓Delinquency in 25% to 35%
✓Substance-abuse/dependency 10% to 20%
✓Early sexual activity and teen pregnancy in 38%+
✓Increased risk for STDs in 16%
✓Greater health risk


Get started with Dr Gordon. We have treatment and solutions available online, by phone, and in our offices.