Staying Connected during COVID-19 | Teletherapy

Staying Connected During COVID-19

Working from home may be stressful, parents who have young children trying to navigate online learning may be overwhelmed, and an overall sense of not having control and knowing when this will end can really take a toll on a person.
We live in a time of technology, which has helped us to stay connected and now more than ever technology is a beneficial tool in helping us stay connected.
Here are some ideas to help maintain a feeling of connectedness:

Pathways Neuropsychology

Coronavirus — How we are protecting our patients

Due to the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), for everyone’s safety, if you have any of the following symptoms please do not come to the office. You should also immediately contact your healthcare provider if you are experiencing:
• Fever
• Cough
• Weakness
• Headache
• If you have had recent travel to China, Italy, Iran or any other European countries, please let us know as well.

We are now offering our patients the option of video/phone sessions. If you are interested, please speak to the front desk to set this up.