Ways To Help Increase Productivity And Decrease Anxiety During COVID-19

Ways To Help Increase Productivity And Decrease Anxiety During COVID-19

Are you finding it difficult to remain motivated and accomplish tasks that have been on your to-do list for months? Are other people’s posts about their accomplishments on social media making you feel sad and defeated? Our minds are always working, it does not stop in times of uncertainty. During these difficult times, our brains are more likely to process “what-if” scenarios. These types of scenarios make it difficult to relax or remain calm. Our brain is processing two key thoughts:

Yoga and Mental Health

Yoga and Mental Health

Children can benefit a great deal from yoga practices. Children are growing up with influences that may be stressful to them. Pressures from school, family conflicts, competitive sports and social issues can all lead to increased stress. Yoga can help balance these stressors. When a child learns yoga, it encourages self-esteem and body awareness in a noncompetitive way. It helps the child to foster cooperation and compassion for themselves and others. Physically, yoga helps by enhancing their strength and flexibility, as well as coordination. Emotionally, their concentration and sense of calm, and relaxation improves.

This video is video is geared towards children but anyone can benefit from it!

Controlling anxiety during the Coronavirus Pandemic -Coping With Anxiety after Quarantine

Controlling Anxiety During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Stress and anxiety often come from uncertainty. Many people are concerned about being laid off from their job. Many people do not know if they will have a job when this pandemic is over. Many are worried they have been exposed, some fear the symptoms, and others are concerned their loved ones were exposed and what that will mean. Parents and teachers are trying to figure out online schooling which can also be incredibly stressful. So, what are the different ways to manage anxiety during this time?

Physical activity and Mental Health

Physical activity and Mental Health

Physical activity is beneficial for our overall health including our mental health. A link between physical activity and depression risk in adults has been identified…

Anxiety & Depression Treatments

Three ways Depression Affects Your Thinking

When thinking about depression, one might think of feelings of sadness or hopelessness. However, when depressed, a person’s cognitive abilities are affected. Depression affects your cognitive abilities making even the simplest task seem impossible.

Anxiety & Depression Treatments

What Is Stress Inoculation Therapy and can it help treat Behavioral Issues?

Stress Inoculation Therapy also is known as SIT is a form of therapy with an emphasis on helping patients deal with stressful situations.

This is to ensure the patient is able to respond with minimal anger and behavioral issues.

How does it work?

The overarching goal of the treatment is for patients to be educated about stressful situations and the negative outcomes that may result from their behavior when they are stressed. 

Psychotherapy | OCD | Psychologists & Brain Injury Specialists | Pathways Neuropsychology Associates | Psychologists | Toms River, Manahawkin, Freehold, NJ

Is Psychotherapy Useful If You Have OCD?

Psychotherapy is a form of therapy that focuses on using psychological methods to help treat patients. It is an umbrella term for a variety of therapies such as Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Interpersonal Therapy (IPT), Psychodynamic therapy, and Psychoanalysis among many more.

What is Chronic Pain and how can you combat it?

What is Chronic Pain and how can you combat it?

Pain involves nerve endings in the body and nerve pathways from the brain to the body. Pain becomes chronic when it lasts for over 6 months. Our thoughts, personalities, social environment and learned behaviors can all contribute to how severe the pain is experienced.

ADHD ADD ritalin ADHD evaluation testing

ADHD Linked With Higher Rates Of Anxiety

ADHD Linked With Higher Rates Of Anxiety – Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) face an increased risk for anxiety, according to new research. Anxiety disorder is common among children with ADHD. Recognizing and treating anxiety can lead to improved quality of life for patients

5 Types of Anxiety - psychotherapy Psychologists | Toms River, Manahawkin, Freehold, NJ

5 Types of Anxiety

“Anxiety” is frequently used as a catch-all term for worrisome thoughts. But the reality is, there’s many forms of anxiety—and each has different symptoms.
Identifying the types can be challenging, in part because it’s possible to experience more than one at the same time. Here is an overview of the five most common anxiety disorders: