ADHD Coaching | Toms River, NJ | Manahawkin, NJ | Freehold, NJ - Ocean County NJ | How to Help Your Child Study Better With ADHD

3 Reasons to Create Task Lists for Your Child With ADHD

With ADHD, your child may struggle to stay on task. This might create problems when it comes to completing homework or routine chores around the house. Your child might be quick to abandon the task or may easily get distracted, making the task or homework go longer than it needs to be. 

However, a “planner” or “task list” can help children with ADHD manage their time better. And yes, this may take some practice! So, how can a task list or planner help those with ADHD? Here are three reasons.

ADHD Relaxation Techniques for Your Child | Psychologists | Toms River, NJ | Manahawkin, NJ | Freehold, NJ – Ocean County NJ

The Importance of ADHD Relaxation Techniques for Your Child

As a parent with a child with ADHD, you might struggle to find ways to help your child calm down and relax. Many with ADHD have difficulty paying attention to one task or activity, jumping from one thing to the next, and struggling to follow through with tasks until completion. 

Research also shows how ADHD and stress are closely linked, meaning your child may have trouble with feeling overwhelmed or anxious. And this is why relaxation techniques and strategies are so important for individuals (and children) with ADHD. So, let’s dig into this a little bit further. What should you know?

3 Dietary Considerations for Children with ADHD |Psychologists | Toms River, NJ | Manahawkin, NJ | Freehold, NJ – Ocean County NJ

3 Dietary Considerations for Children with ADHD

ADHD can’t be treated or managed by diet alone. However, paying close attention to what your child eats can contribute to easier management and fewer hurdles when helping your child grow and develop. By fostering healthy eating patterns, you can ensure your child’s body has the resources and tools it needs to function optimally. 

For children with ADHD, a proper diet can further help enhance focus and attention and reduce hyperactivity. So, with that in mind, here are a few dietary considerations you may want to implement with your child.

How to Improve Brain Fog | Long COVID | Psychologist Toms River NJ

Tackling Brain Fog From Long COVID

Suffering from COVID infection is an unpleasant experience in itself. But what can make this experience worse is the possible “brain fog” after one’s initial recovery.

Many patients report that after recovering from COVID, they start to experience certain symptoms that medical experts refer to as “Long COVID” or Post-COVID Syndrome—and these symptoms may include cognitive problems that we commonly known as brain fog. So, let’s dig a bit deeper into this topic!

ADHD Tips - ADHD coaching

3 Tips for Getting Organized With ADHD

Individuals with ADHD may find it very difficult to stay organized. This includes forgetting deadlines and having trouble organizing their thoughts—all of which can pose various frustrations.

If your child has ADHD, they most likely also suffer from poor organizational skills. In turn, this can negatively affect their performance at school and other activities. So, how can you help your child in the best way possible? Below, we offer a few tips!

ADHD Coaching | Toms River, NJ | Manahawkin, NJ | Freehold, NJ - Ocean County NJ | How to Help Your Child Study Better With ADHD

Why ADHD Makes Learning Difficult

Does your child with ADHD have difficulty learning? Are they underperforming in school? It’s not uncommon for children with ADHD to struggle within the regular academic environment.

ADHD can negatively impact a child’s capacity to focus and comprehend, making it more difficult to keep up with their studies. But you can do something to help your child learn better despite having this condition. Keep reading to find out more!

Can Too Much Screen Time Be Bad For You? ! Psychologist Toms River NJ

Can Too Much Screen Time Be Bad For You?

The emergence of electronic devices has people spending significantly more time in front of a screen than ever before. We watch TV to relax. We play on our phones to wind down. Many of us even start and end our days in front of a screen.

Yet, this increasing screen time doesn’t come without some repercussions. In fact, some long-term negative impacts of unregulated screen time include eyestrain, sleeping problems, and even anxiety and depression. Moreover, another possible negative effect of excessive screen time is the increased risk of poor focus.

Learning Your ADHD Child’s Triggers | ADHD evaluations | ADHD Coach Toms River New Jersey

Learning Your ADHD Child’s Triggers

Undeniably, ADHD can negatively affect your child’s home, social, and academic functioning. Yet, with the right care, it doesn’t have to! 

In fact, learning the triggers for a child with ADHD can help you prevent and minimize functional difficulties, as well as help your child better cope with this condition. So, let’s take a closer look at some triggers and how you can recognize them.

Dementia Symtoms & Treatments | Psychologists | Toms River, Manahawkin, Freehold, NJ

4 Quick Facts About Dementia

Millions of people suffer from dementia. But not only do the patients suffer, their families and friends often feel the pressure as well. Contrary to some claims, dementia is not a natural part of aging. Hence, diagnosis and treatment are crucial when it comes to dealing with and coping with this condition.

Luckily, research has expanded and continues to innovate, furthering our understanding of dementia and its causes. So, let’s take a look at four quick facts about dementia. What should you know?

ADHD vs Anxiety: Which Is It?

ADHD vs Anxiety: Which Is It?

People often confuse attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with anxiety and vice versa. These two conditions share some common symptoms that can make pinpointing the root of the problem tricky.

As a parent, you want to ensure your child gets the best start in life possible. This includes ensuring they receive the right diagnosis so they can obtain the best treatment possible, leading to them becoming well-functioning adults. So, how do you know if your child has ADHD or anxiety? Let’s take a closer look.